Monday 19 November 2012

mastering procrastination

OK so I'm in my fourth year of university. Three years undergraduate and now a three semester year and a half of a masters, so I've got the whole college thing down to a tee. And by this I mean the procrastination. Now that I am a masters student I like to ponder on all the things I have mastered in my life and procrastination is definitely one of them. So I have an essay of 2,000 words, easy peasy just sit down and whack it out right? WRONG! I have come to realise that sitting down to write an essay may be one of the most difficult challenges that a young student has to face. How can you overcome this most difficult of tasks? Make a plan! Yes making a study plan has to be the best way to set yourself goals in order to accomplish what needs accomplishing. So I sit down in front of the laptop thinking that while I really should have this easiest of essays done already, making a plan now is the best option. So I plan (not start) my essay. Sorted! I want to finish off my book that I've chosen as a source (and have had in my possession and checked out of the library two weeks now) to be finished by this evening. Then tomorrow I will get cracking with my online research, and with ideas that are sure to be buzzing in my head get down to writing my essay. Or I could start my internet research now, the internet is there and ready to go. Waiting for me. Much quicker than reading an entire book. Yes it's decided that's where I'll start. First a little look at my Facebook page, then Twitter, then YouTube. Oh look, a tutorial on how to ombré my nails. Can I master what the tutor makes look so easy yet I'm sure I would make an absolute mess of? Much more challenging than doing my Live Radio Production essay on how technologies are changing the relationship between radio stations and their audiences. Challenge accepted. Ironic that my essay is on the advancement and benefit of technology yet it is this technology that has provided me with the oh so satisfying opportunity to procrastinate. But I digress, look at my pretty nails..!

Maybe tomorrow I will both read my book, do my internet research and type out my essay. 
Easy peasy..

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