Wednesday 14 November 2012

the beginning of figuring it out

OK so I've wanted to set up a blog for quite some time now. I don't know if it's just me but holy Jesus it's taken me ages to find a site alone just to get started! So basically I want to share all about the trials and tribulations of my very exciting (all lies) life. I've been through a lot in my life so far that I believe sets me apart from everyone else. I was born with a cleft lip and palate and have had many surgeries and difficulties in my life as a result. I do not want sympathy for this apparent deformity and while I believe it has helped shape my personality and out look on life, it is not all that defines me. I am your average twenty-something year old girl with big hopes for the future. Because of the hand I have been dealt and how I have come out at (almost) the end of my surgical journey I want now more than ever to succeed. So here I am ready to tell  my story. I'm sorry I don't claim it to be an interesting one to tell, but there it is, I'm just still figuring it out....  

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